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Throughout my life, I’ve had the great fortune to go through many changes and challenges that motivated me to research deep into the essence of reality, questioning my own belief systems and coming closer to my true Self. My mission now is to integrate the beautiful perspectives of mathematics, science, Vedic astrology and philosophy, into metaphysics and mysticism to support others broadening their horizon, finding their truth, and to provide bridges between spirituality and the rational mind.


On my path I met many beautiful individuals and wise teachers , which shared with me powerful techniques for my spiritual practice. Integrating them in creative ways, they involve regular practice of Meditation, Yoga, Kundalini, Reiki, Tantra and related embodiment practices. I am also a passionate dancer and movement artist. This Sadhana practice is an essential part of my path as it provides me with the necessary balance, modesty and selflessness to share my unique gifts in order to collectively rise the frequencies of consciousness. 


I believe in working together to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. For more information about my experience, portfolio or how we can collaborate on an upcoming project, get in touch today.

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